Diesel Engine Repair Service

Why maintaining your Diesel System is important:
As diesel engine maintenance becomes more complex, it is crucial to service your vehicle with the proper diagnostic equipment & maintenance service it requires to run for hundreds of thousands of miles. A diesel engine uses compression in the combustion chamber to ignite the fuel system, unlike a gasoline engine that uses a spark.
Indications your Diesel System may need repairs:
Hard knocking noise or unusual noise you are not used to hearing in the engine area
Smoke coming from the exhaust system
Leaking coolant or excessive coolant loss
The engine is running poorly when it is cold or it is hard to start
Change in fuel mileage performance
Check engine light or dashboard light has come on
A comprehensive performance check of the Diesel System:
At Seymour's Garage, your vehicle will be in the great hands of our expert diesel technicians who can inspect the most common diesel repairs. We have worked on a variety of makes and models from Ford, Chevy, Dodge, & GM Trucks.
What Diesel System repairs do you perform?
Solving fuel system problems
Replacing Fuel injector or injector pump
Replacing Glow Plugs
Replacing Lead-Acid Storage Batteries
Repairing Compression Ratio
Replacing Bearings
Correcting Oil Weight Viscosity
Replacing Oxidized Oil
Rebuilding Turbo repair
EGR system repair
Repairing charging system
Repairing Air intake system
Other Diesel System repair and maintenance services:
Oil Change
Tire Rotation
Lubricate hub needle bearings
Steering Linkage & Suspension
Brake system
Engine cooling system and hoses
DPF service